That Time I Won Solitaire on the First Try
Have you ever won at solitaire?
You sit down just to get your mind off all the things spinning in your life. Kind of bored and need a change of pace or scenery?
Today is one of those days. It’s lunchtime. Mike’s not home to talk to so I’m eating leftovers. Noticing the cribbage board and cards on the counter, I decide to play a game of solitaire. This will be a good break for fifteen minutes or so. Shuffling the cards feels good. It’s an old deck from many moons ago so the cards are nice and worn. The cards slide across the granite countertop as I lay them out. Flip One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Flip Two, three, four…until the solitaire board is finished.
I start to play. It’s a nice rhythm. Black 6 to red 5. ACE! Excellent. This continues. Super! I can move the Queen to the King…wait…am I stuck? Is it over? Nope, here’s a 2 of diamonds – it can go to the ACE. The game continues. Wait…am I stuck? Is it over now? Nope, here’s a move I can make. The game continues. My heart skips a beat and I’m trying not to get ahead of myself. Am I actually going to win this game on my first try? I keep going…4 of clubs, 5 of clubs, 6 of diamonds, 7 of diamonds…King of Spades, King of Clubs, King of Diamonds, King of Hearts. YAHOO! I WON ON THE FIRST TRY!
What are the odds of that? What does this mean? Crazy!
Has that ever happened to you? My guess is I’ve won at solitaire from time to time but never on the first try.
Solitaire is a game. Even though it doesn’t mean anything and is a small victory, it was pretty cool. It gave me a pep in my step.
Today’s question – Do you have a pep in your step these days?
Are you frustrated of being stuck in your career? Many of the ladies that join the Esther Project want more out of there career. They may not know what they want but they know they want more. Others are sure what they want but aren’t sure how to get there or are uncomfortable talking to their boss about it.
Is that you? How do you bring it up? How do I tell my boss that I AM the right person for the job and I want to make more of an impact?
That’s where I come in. If you’ve read this far, you’re either serious or you’re the boss who has a high performing female employee that would be perfect for the Esther Project.
I am 100% positive that I AM the right person for you and for your employees.
Call me. Text me. Email me. Contact me and let’s talk.
Now is the time! Don’t wait! Call NOW! (Is that too much? You get my drift, I’m sure.)
The next Esther Project begins February 3rd.
There are ONLY 5 SPOTS LEFT! And my wish for you is that you’re one of them.
So, gain some pep in your step and don’t leave your future to chance –
Call me RIGHT NOW!